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  Ford VCM  
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user manual Ford VCM.pdf
Price :
Rp 10.000.000,-


Category: Ford Mazda Land Rover Jugar Lincoln Mercury diagnostic tool

Latest Version:
DIS: Ford: V74
Jaguar & Land Rover: V123

Ford VCM IDS supports 29 language:
1. Spanish 
2. Slovenia
3. English
4. Greece
5. German
6. Danmark
7. Czechic
8. Chinese(Taiwan)
9. Chinese(China)
10. AmerEnglish
11. Vietnam
12. Turkey
13. Thailand
14. Swedish
15. Russian
16. Portuguese
17. Portuguese(Brazil)
18. Poland 19. Norwegian
20. Holand
21. Korea
22. Japanese
23. Italy
24. Indian
25. Hungary
26. French
28. Finland
29. Spanish(Mexico)

Ford VCM IDS Function

Application Overview
Integrated Diagnostic Software (IDS) is the next generation diagnostic tool. IDS integrates WDS software modified to run on an off-the-shelf laptop with the Vehicle Communication Module (VCM) currently used in NGS+ and PDS, and a new Vehicle Measurement Module (VMM).

Vehicle Diagnostic Connectors
The VCM 16-pin DLC cable is used to connect the VCM to the vehicle. The VCM and VMM connect to the laptop through the Ethernet-USB Adapter Cable (H406/H416).

Interface Devices
The interface devices that are used with this application are:
1.VCM Vehicle Communication Module: This device provides all link based functionality including: Data logger, Self test, Service Functions, Module Configuration and Programming, etc.
2.VMM Vehicle Measurement Module :This device provides the following functionality: Oscilloscope, Digital Multi-Meter, Ignition System Test, Fuel System Test, and SGM.

Note that the application will detect the interface device that is connected to the laptop. Indicator icons will appear at the bottom right-hand corner of the IDS screen when the VCM and/or VMM are connected.

Ford VCM IDS Compatible Vehicles

This machine can do ford and Mazda old and new cars, no year limitation. For jaguar and land rover, it can only do after 2005 year. It will ask for pin code for ford cars before 2009 when you do key programming. After 2010, it do not need pin code.

Requirements for installing the software?
1. Your computer must be windows XP SP2 or SP3
2. Software need install on C disk
3. Need install the convert software and follow the instruction.
Note: The application will detect the interface device that is connected to the laptop. Indicator icons will appear at the bottom right-hand corner of the IDS screen when the VCM is connected.

Package List
1.Vehicle communication module(VCM)
2.16-pin DLC long cable
3.IDS 4m PC Ethernet-USB host cable
4.DVD(Ford and Mazda IDS、Landrover JLR IDS)

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